- About Myanmar Farm -

About Myanmar Farm

Myanmar Farm Co., Ltd is a livestock farming company that operates three livestock farms in Myanmar - Magway Cattle Farm, Meiktila Cattle Farm, and Meiktila Goat Farm. The company's main business is to supply local meat demands and export to foreign countries such as China and Thailand.

In the case of beef cattle, Myanmar Farm Co., Ltd is focused on increasing the quantity and quality of their cattle in Magway and Meiktila farms. To achieve this, the company is putting emphasis on the reproduction and breeding of cows and maintaining them in good health to increase cattle numbers. The company uses high-genus European bulls to breed with cows to obtain good quality cattle.

The cows are kept systematically in cowsheds and allowed to graze on pastures. The company also feeds fodder like dried hay/straw with managers in their farms to ensure the proper nutrition of their livestock.

On the other hand, Meiktila Goat Farm is a profitable commercial goat farming operation that focuses on raising and breeding domestic goats. The farm rears goats to obtain specific weights with age for mainly meat and milk production.

At Myanmar Farm Co., Ltd, we are committed to promoting sustainable and responsible farming practices in order to achieve our vision of being a leading provider of high-quality livestock products in local and international markets.

Happy Partners
Cultivating Change - Myanmar Farm Initiatives

Business Summary

Breeding and Production

Our farm spans six acres and houses a thousand breeding cattle and two hundred dairy cows. We utilize both free grazing and intensive breeding methods to ensure the best possible health and quality of our livestock. Our farm features four buildings: one for housing cattle breeding, one for dairy cows, one for veterinary care and quarantine, and one for staff housing and office.

Sustainability and Responsibility

We are committed to providing high-quality and ethically sourced livestock, as well as promoting sustainable and environmentally responsible farming practices. We believe that our commitment to quality and sustainability will make us a leading player in the cattle breeding and farming industry. Our long-term partnership with locals who are interested in cattle farming aims to promote sustainability and charitable causes.

Recreational Activities

In addition to the core business activities of breeding and raising livestock, the company plans to expand into the recreational sector by creating a new area that is open to the public in the future. This will allow visitors to interact with the animals and learn about sustainable farming practices while providing a unique experience that sets the business apart from others in the industry.

Expansion and Partnership

We aim to expand our market reach by entering new geographic markets and establishing part- nerships with contractors, distributors, and retail- ers in order to increase our market share. By prior- itizing diversity, equity, and inclusion, we will be able to attract and retain top talent and foster a more innovative and productive workplace.

Joyful Farmers at Myanmar Farm - Nurturing Growth
Harmonious Livestock Grazing in Our Sustainable Farm
- Beef Production

Sustainable Beef Production

  •    Helps prevent local conversion
  •   Support or restores navtive vegation and wildlife habitat
  •    Support clean and aboundant water resources
  •    Emits the fewest possible GHGs
  •    Protects or enhance soil health
  •    Efficiently uses resources along the value chain
  •   Prioritizes animal health and well-being
  •    Supports economic livehoods and helps communities thrive
  •    Uses antibiotics judiciously
  •    Provides unprocessed source of protein in consumers

Company History

The company's current status is one of growth and expansion. With a strong track record of success in the livestock industry, Myanmar Farm Co., Ltd is well positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for high-quality meat and dairy products both locally and internationally. The company is committed to sustainability and responsible farm- ing practices, which will help to ensure its long-term success in the industry.

Today, Myanmar Farm Co., Ltd operates three livestock farms and is a major player in the local meat and dairy industry. The company has a strong commitment to quality and animal welfare, which is reflected in its breeding and production practices. The company is constantly seeking to improve and expand its operations, with a particular focus on increasing the quantity and quality of its beef cattle. This has involved investing in high-genus European bulls and implementing best practices in cattle breeding and care.

The company's current status is one of growth and expansion. With a strong track record of success in the livestock industry, Myanmar Farm Co., Ltd is well positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for high-quality meat and dairy products both locally and internationally. The company is committed to sustainability and responsible farm- ing practices, which will help to ensure its long-term success in the industry.

Empowering Communities - Impactful Agricultural Programs

Corporate Governace Structure

Board of Directors:

Our strategic compass is led by a dynamic Board of Directors, comprising three adept individuals. This visionary team is committed to steering the corporate ship, ensuring sound decision-making, and charting a course for sustained success. In their deliberations, they are fortified by the insights and support of our esteemed Advisory Board, a two- member body of seasoned professionals.

Executive Committee:

Driving operational efficacy, our Executive Committee stands as the operational backbone of the organization. Comprised of representatives from key businesses and units within the Myanmar Farm Business Group, this committee is the heartbeat of our day- to-day activities. It orchestrates the execution of strategies, ensuring the seamless integration of diverse business units. Notably, Venue 36 Business Group, as Myanmar Farm's primary investee, plays a significant role in this comprehensive governance framework.Through this intricate yet streamlined governance architecture, we fortify our commitment to excellence, transparency, and prudent decision- making at every level of the Myanmar Farm Business Group.

Cultivating Change - Myanmar Farm Initiatives
- Project Loactions

Myanmar Farm Project Location Map

Joyful Farmers at Myanmar Farm - Nurturing Growth
Harmonious Livestock Grazing in Our Sustainable Farm